SOP for Chemical Sanitization of Pretreatment Section of Purified Water Generation System : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Chemical Sanitization of Pretreatment Section of Purified Water Generation System

Standard operating procedure to sanitize the pressure sand filter, water softener, soft water storage tank, brine solution tank and dosing tanks.


To lay down the procedure for the chemical sanitization of pretreatment section of purified water generation system.


This SOP shall be applicable for the pretreatment section of purified water generation system comprising of pressure sand filter, water softener, soft water storage tank, brine solution tank and dosing tanks.


Operator/ Engineer/ Executive


Head of Department


5.1 Sanitization of Pressure Sand Filter

5.1.1 Take 4 liters of potable water in a bucket.
5.1.2 Add 1 liters sodium hypochlorite (6 % w/v concentration-approx.) in a bucket of stage 5.1.1 and stir with the help of stainless steel laddle (This will make a solution of approx. 50 ppm when the entire contents get diluted in the filter column).
5.1.3 Transfer this solution to both sand filter columns manually by opening top valve assembly to fill up the filter columns.
5.1.4 Hold in this condition for minimum 4 hours.
5.1.5 After completion of holding period of minimum 4 hours, give backwash.
5.1.6 After backwash, start the pre-treatment plant with chlorine dosing rate to 2 ppm at the outlet of the softener, flush the plant and allow the water to go to drain.
5.1.7 After flushing, allow the water to go to RO system with recommended dosing of SMBS and pH correction.
5.1.8 Frequency weekly.
Related: Importance and Method of De-gassing in Purified Water System

5.2 Sanitization of water softener

5.2.1 Take 3.0 liters of potable water in a bucket.
5.2.2 Add 150 gm of sodium hydroxide in a bucket of stage 5.2.1 and dissolve sodium hydroxide in water and allow to cool to room temperature. (This will make 5% weight/volume solution of sodium hydroxide).
5.2.3 Transfer this solution to both softener columns manually by opening top valve assembly to fill up the softener columns.
5.2.4 Hold in this condition for minimum 4 hours.
5.2.5 After completion of holding period of minimum 4 hours, rinse the unit till the hardness goes below 5 ppm.
5.2.6 After achieving the desired level of hardness i.e. below 5 ppm, take the unit in service.
5.2.7 Frequency weekly.

5.3 Sanitization of the soft water storage tank

5.3.1 Fill the soft water storage tank up to high level.
5.3.2 Add 2.0 liters of fresh sodium hypochlorite (6 % weight/volume concentration-approx.) in soft water storage tank (This will make a solution of approx. 100 ppm).
5.3.3 Hold in this condition for minimum 4 hours.
5.3.4 After completion of holding period of minimum 4 hours, drain out the water from soft water storage tank.
5.3.5 Clean soft water storage tank with potable water having 1-2 ppm of available chlorine.
5.3.6 Now soft water storage tank is ready to use.
5.3.7 Frequency weekly.

5.4 Sanitization of brine solution tank

5.4.1 Drain the contents of brine solution tank.
5.4.2 Clean with potable water.
5.4.3 Take 100 liters of potable water in brine solution tank.
5.4.4 Add 100 ml of fresh sodium hypochlorite (6 % weight/volume concentration-approx.) in dosing tanks and stir with the help of S.S. ladle (This will make a solution of approx. 50 ppm).
5.4.5 Keep the tank filled with this 50 ppm solution for minimum 4 hours.
5.4.6 Clean the tank with potable water having 1-2 ppm of available chlorine.
5.4.7 Prepare fresh brine solution as per SOP.
5.4.8 Now brine solution tank is ready to use.
5.4.9 Frequency weekly.

5.5 Sanitization of dosing tanks

5.5.1 Drain the contents of dosing tanks.
5.5.2 Clean with potable water.
5.5.3 Take 50 liters of potable water in dosing tanks.
5.5.4 Add 50 ml of fresh sodium hypochlorite (6% weight/volume concentration-approx.) in dosing tanks and stir with the help of S.S. ladle (This will make a solution of approx. 50 ppm).
5.5.5 Remove the dosing pump tubing’s from the dosing line and put it into the dosing tanks.
5.5.6 Run the dosing pumps keeping the discharge tube inside the tanks for 30 to 60 minutes.
5.5.7 Keep the tanks filled with this 50 ppm solution for minimum 4 hours.
5.5.8 Clean the tanks with potable water having 1-2 ppm of available chlorine.
5.5.9 Prepare fresh chemicals for dosing as per SOP.
5.5.10 Now dosing tanks are ready to use.
5.5.11 Frequency weekly.

5.6 Precaution

5.6.1 Use proper hand gloves duly disinfected with IPA or Chlorinated Water while preparing the solution.
5.6.2 Use safety goggle and mask while preparing the solution.
5.6.3 Clean the buckets and S.S. laddle after sanitization activity.


6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
6.2 ppm: Parts Per Millions
6.3 SS: Stainless Steel
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