SOP for Breakdown Maintenance of Equipment, Machinery and Facility : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Breakdown Maintenance of Equipment, Machinery and Facility

Standard operating procedure of break down maintenance of equipment in different pharmaceutical departments and record information in machine history card.


To lay down the procedure for breakdown maintenance.


This SOP shall be applicable for equipment, machinery and facility breakdown.




Head of Engineering


5.1 Communicate the breakdown to the engineering department and handover the breakdown intimation note.
5.2 Officer/ executive- engineering will depute the technician to attend the breakdown.
5.3 While carrying out the breakdown maintenance, ensure that following steps are taken:
5.3.1 Switch off the power supply of the machine and put a board on machine stating “UNDER MAINTENANCE”.
5.3.2 Discuss the incidence of breakdown with the operator to understand the details.
5.3.3 Carefully inspect the machine and check the cause of the breakdown.
5.3.4 After identifying the cause, if any parts/ assemblies of the machine are to be dismantled, mark them properly for identification.
5.3.5 Keep the dismantled parts of the machine in the proper tray and clean them thoroughly.
5.3.6 After the repairs, assemble the parts, check the assemblies for smooth operations and then assemble them on the machine.
5.3.7 Lubricate the parts wherever lubrication is required, as per the lubricant recommended by the machine manufacturer/ supplier.
5.3.8 After satisfactory repairs of breakdown, show the performance trial to the concerned person and get it confirmed in breakdown intimation note.
5.3.9 Remove the “UNDER MAINTENANCE” board.

5.4 Record this information in the machine history card.
5.5 In case of any major part to be replaced, which may affect the machine performance should take place through a change control procedure.
5.6 Maintenance work required other than the breakdown of process related equipment / instruments shall be communicated through maintenance requisition.
Related: SOP for Intimation of Breakdown of Utilities Services & Equipments in Manufacturing & Packing Department During Working


6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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