Principle, Construction, Working, Uses, Merits, and Demerits of Super Centrifuge : Pharmaguideline

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Principle, Construction, Working, Uses, Merits, and Demerits of Super Centrifuge

The sedimentation centrifuge separates liquids based on their densities when using immiscible liquids.

Super Centrifuge


  • The sedimentation centrifuge separates liquids based on their densities when using immiscible liquids.
  • The centrifuge bowl is used for centrifugation. In centrifugation, the heavier liquids are thrown against the walls, while the lighter liquids remain as inner layers.
  • A modified wier is used to separate the two layers simultaneously.


The following picture shows how a super centrifuge is built. It has a hollow cylindrical bowl with an extremely small diameter. Top and bottom are supported by flexible spindles, and the top is guided by loose-fit bushings. This allows it to rotate along its longitudinal axis. The bottom has a pressure system that provides the inlet for feed. By modifying the weir at the top of the bowl, multiple outlets at different heights are available for simultaneous recovery of separated liquids.


With the help of the drive assembly, the centrifuge rotates at a high frequency of about 2,000 revolutions per minute on its longitudinal axis. A pressure system is used to introduce the feed into the centrifuge from the bottom. Separation of liquid phases occurs due to their different densities during centrifugation. Liquids of differing densities are thrown against each other, with the lighter liquid forming an inner layer on top. The bowl rises to the top as both liquids mix together. Liquid-liquid interfaces are maintained by hydraulic balance (also known as the neutral zone). During a modified weir, both of these layers are removed simultaneously from different Heights. Super centrifuges can be used to separate liquids that are immiscible continuously.


A super centrifuge has almost unlimited applications. It can be used in processes requiring liquid/liquid separations, liquid/liquid/solid separations, and liquid/solid separations.
Here is the list
  • Oil purification
  • Food production
  • Chemical and pharmaceutical
  • Paints and varnishes
  • Metal processing for the purification of engine test oil, grinding oil, etc.


  • Operational continuity.
  • Capable of handling much higher concentrations.
  • Produces solids when dried.


  • The structure of sediments is not uniform.
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