Principle, Construction, Working, Uses, Merits and Demerits of Cartridge Filter : Pharmaguideline

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Principle, Construction, Working, Uses, Merits and Demerits of Cartridge Filter

This filter's basic concept is physical filtering. These systems operate by forcing water from a reservoir into a cylinder.

Cartridge Filter


This filter's basic concept is physical filtering. These systems operate by forcing water from a reservoir into a cylinder. The heavier material is collected by a cylinder, and the secondary filter captures anything that the first filter may have missed. The water flows through the polyester filters, and debris collects on the screen, enabling clean water to pass through. A clear liquid is discharged from the discharge port after the filtered liquid has been introduced. Based on the design flow and the liquid filter media properties, the drainage inlet filter size, structure, and size are determined.


  • In a cartridge filter, the filter media is disposable and not interchangeable.
  • Metal or plastic can be used.
  • It has two membrane filters, which are similar to sieves. There is a pre-filter as well as an actual filter for filtration, made from polypropylene.
  • The actual filter or membrane filter, depending on the pore size, comes in various sizes in the market and is used according to the type of water we are filtering.
  • Cartridges are placed in holders.
  • The housing can hold multiple cartridges at the same time.
  • A lid closes the housing.
  • An inlet and outlet for slurry are provided in the housing.


Solid particle impurities are trapped in the basket of the filter when liquid from the cylinder passes through it, and clean fluid is ejected from the outlet of the filter. The bottom of the head plunger is unscrewed after removing the flange cover to drain fluid. Cleaning is followed by reloading of the components. As a result, using maintenance is really convenient. The cartridge filter traps solid debris suspended in the water. The filter is designed to filter out particles of a specific size. The use of a 20-filter followed by 1 and/or 5 filters is a common choice; however, the exact formulation will depend on the quality of the water supply and the substance to be removed. The size rating of the filter should be clearly written on it.


  • It is employed in the chemical and petrochemical manufacture of non-corrosive materials such as water, oil, ammonia, and hydrocarbons.
  • The production of carbonic acid, sulphuric acid, caustic soda, soda ash, and other corrosive compounds is chemical.
  • The same holds true for low-temperature compounds like liquid methane, liquid ammonia, liquid oxygen, and a variety of refrigerants.
  • Beer, drinks, dairy products, syrup, and other health-related components are used in food manufacturing.
  • Manufacturers of pharmaceutical products are involved in the production of culture media, enzymes, reagents, aqueous solutions, biochemicals, immunologicals, and cosmetics.
  • General debris including leaves and silt can also be removed using this technology, as well as chemical precipitates that have been stimulated to form in water (for example, by oxidation) so that they can be cleaned.


  • Cartridge filters are generally inexpensive, small, and need little care aside from changing the cartridge.
  • These filters are simply changeable and disposable.
  • Cartridge filter systems are modular and, in theory, can handle any flow.
  • Add or remove filters or arrays of filters
  • Smaller water systems can benefit from using these systems since they are less expensive.
  • These filters are of good quality and have a logical structure.
  • They have a faster flow rate.
  • They are simple to maintain and build, and they have great filter accuracy.
  • They require little upkeep and supervision.


  • Because cartridge filters are not backwashed, they must be replaced when they become filthy or clogged.
  • The use of coagulants or pre-coats with cartridge filters is not recommended.
  • Water quality and system size are two factors that limit cartridge filtration for water treatment.
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