Differences Between Evaporation and Other Heat Process : Pharmaguideline

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Differences Between Evaporation and Other Heat Process

Difference between Vaporization, Evaporation, Distillation, Drying, Sublimation

Difference between Vaporization and Evaporation


  • With boiling, a substance alters its state from one liquid to one gas.
  • The process is quick.
  • Vaporization causes bubbles to form.
  • They occur in all liquid phases.
  • No surface area is needed for vaporization to take place.
  • Boiling takes place at a specific temperature, i.e., at the boiling point.
  • It is necessary to have a heating source of energy.


  • An inert gas is a substance that can change state without boiling from a liquid to a gaseous state.
  • The process takes a long time.
  • Evaporation did not produce bubbles.
  • The liquid is only exposed from its surface.
  • A liquid's surface area determines how much it evaporates.
  • At any temperature, it occurs.
  • Energy comes from the surrounding environment.

Difference between Distillation and Evaporation



A distillation is a process by which a mixture of substances is selectively evaporated and condensed to separate the constituents.

Generally, evaporation is the process of converting a liquid from a liquid to a gas from its surface.

The boiling point of a fluid is the point at which it vaporizes in distillation

Vaporization occurs when the temperature is below the boiling point in evaporation.

The distillation process removes water from the entire mass of liquid.

A liquid's surface is the only place where evaporation occurs.

During distillation, the liquid forms bubbles at the boiling point.

Evaporation does not produce bubbles.

Separation or purification is accomplished through distillation.

Separation or purification is not necessarily achieved through evaporation.

A heat source should be supplied to the liquid molecules during distillation to make them vapourize.

When molecules collide with each other, they have the ability to gain energy, enabling them to escape into the vapour phase.

Vaporization occurs rapidly during distillation.

It takes a long time for the water to evaporate.

Condensation and boiling are involved.

Evaporation is the only process involved.

With fractional distillation, components are separated and purified based on their boiling points.

Separation and purification of components through boiling-point independent methods without fractionation.

The boiling point of alcohol is the point at which water and alcohol mixtures meet.

Water below its boiling point is a good example.

Difference between Drying and Evaporation


  • A substance is dried by removing its water.
  • The evaporation of a material can be avoided by drying the material. Using air, adsorbents, absorbents, and freeze drying are examples.
  • Due to a temperature gradient, moisture can be separated from any type of biological, chemical or metallurgical material.
  • Following evaporation, there is drying.
  • A dry object is one that has been removed from moisture. Evaporation and external factors, like the wind, can lead to drying.
  • During drying, it is necessary to evaporate or convert water molecules into gaseous forms for more stability.
  • It consists of simply sending a hot stream of dry air over the material to remove any traces of water.


  • As a result of evaporation, volatile matter is removed from the air. The process of evaporation is responsible for drying mass transfer.
  • Physical phenomena such as evaporation may contribute to effecting a change, but there are other factors as well.
  • By gaining extra energy, particularly heat, surface molecules jump from the surface to the atmosphere in evaporation.
  • Drying occurs as a result of evaporation.
  • A process called evaporation occurs when molecules on the surface gain extra energy in the form of heat, which is then released to the atmosphere.
  • In all liquids, evaporation takes place when left in the open, causing them to lose moisture, which is usually in the atmosphere.
  • Evaporation involves the loss of water in a mass of liquid at room temperature to its surrounding environment.
  • The removal of volatile matter from the slurry of solid happens during evaporation. Heat is transferred during the process.

Difference between Sublimation and Evaporation


  • Solids change into gases.
  • Processes involving liquids are not involved.
  • Solids are used as starting materials.
  • To achieve sublimation, energy must be applied externally.
  • Iodine and camphor are examples.


  • Liquids turn to gases during phase changes.
  • There is liquid involved in this.
  • Starting material for the process is liquid.
  • Energy equal to evaporation is required externally.
  • The vaporization of water is an example.
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