Application of Cell Cultures
Cell culture is an important tool in cellular and molecular biology, offering good model systems for investigating normal cell physiology and biochemistry (e.g., metabolic research, ageing), the effects of medicines and toxic chemicals on cells, and mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. It is also utilised in medication screening and research, as well as large-scale biological compound synthesis (e.g., vaccines, therapeutic proteins). Cell culture is especially useful for all of these studies because of the uniformity and reproducibility of results produced from clonal cells.Model system
It can be used for studying basic cell biology and biochemistry, the interaction between cells and pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, the effects of pharmaceuticals, the process of aging, and the triggers of aging.Virology
Instead of using animals, animal cell cultures are utilized to reproduce viruses for vaccine manufacturing. Cell culture may also be used to identify and isolate viruses, as well as to research the viral growth and development cycle. It's also used to figure how an infection spread.Vaccine production
Viruses are created using cultured animal cells, and these viruses are utilized to create vaccinations. Animal cell culture is used to create vaccinations for lethal illnesses such as polio, rabies, chicken pox, measles, and hepatitis B.Cancer research
Because both cells can be cultivated in the laboratory, the fundamental difference between normal and malignant cells may be examined utilizing animal cell culture techniques. To turn normal cells into cancer cells, radiation, chemicals, or viruses are all effective. As a result, the mechanism and causation of cancer may be investigated. Cell culture can be used to identify the most effective medications for destroying just cancer cells.Drug screening and development
To investigate the cytotoxicity of a novel medication, animal cell cultures are utilized. As well as determining the most effective and safe dose of a new medication, this method is also used for testing new drugs. These experiments are now being carried out on 384 and 1536 well plates. The pharmaceutical sector relies heavily on cell-based assays.Genetic engineering
DNA or RNA can be added to animal cells that have been cultured to add additional genetic material. These can be used to investigate the expression of novel genes and its impact on cell health. Insect cells are infected with genetically modified baculoviruses to create economically significant proteins.Toxicity testing
Animal cell culture is used to investigate the impact of novel medications, cosmetics, and chemicals on the survival and proliferation of various cell types. Particularly liver and kidney cells. Animal cells cultured in vitro are frequently utilized to assess the maximum allowable dose of novel medications.Replacement tissue or organ
Regeneration of tissue or organs can be accomplished with animal cell culture. For example, patients with burns and ulcers can benefit from the creation of artificial skin using this technology. However, research is being conducted on artificial organ culture, including the liver, kidney, and pancreas. A number of techniques are being developed for growing embryonic and adult stem cells. Several different types of cells and organs can develop from these cells. It is hoped that by learning to manage the formation and differentiation of these cells, a range of medical diseases may be treated.Gene therapy
Gene therapy can be performed with animal cells that have been genetically modified. First, cells are extracted from the patient who do not have a functioning gene or do not have a functional gene. These genes are replaced with functional genes, and the resulting cells are cultured and developed in a laboratory setting. The patient is then given these changed cells. Another approach is to use viral vectors, in which a functioning gene is introduced into the genome of the viral vector and then permitted to infect the patient with the expectation that the missing gene would be produced with the aid of the viral vector.Genetically engineered protein
Many genetically engineered proteins are produced using animal cell cultures, including monoclonal antibodies, insulin, hormones, and many others.Genetic counseling
Fetal cell culture taken from pregnant women may be used to investigate or evaluate chromosomal and gene abnormalities using karyotyping, and the results can be employed in the early diagnosis of foetal illnesses.
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