Structure and Medicinal Uses of Diphenylmethane, Triphenylmethane and Their Derivatives : Pharmaguideline

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Structure and Medicinal Uses of Diphenylmethane, Triphenylmethane and Their Derivatives

Molecularly-fused aromatic rings are the building blocks of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. The rings share electrons and are fusion products.

Polynuclear Hydrocarbons

Molecularly-fused aromatic rings are the building blocks of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. The rings share electrons and are fusion products. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon molecules consist only of carbon and hydrogen atoms. By fusing two or more benzene rings, PAHs can also be regarded as molecules.


Natural and environmental pollutant reactions produce PAHs, which are organic molecules. Volcanic eruptions and forest fires produce them naturally. Fossil fuels, including coal and petroleum, contain large amounts of these compounds. Several sources of PAH production include incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and the burning of wood. Cooked foods naturally release these compounds, particularly when they are grilled, smoked, or cooked at high temperatures. Smoke from cigarettes and waste burnt releases the chemicals.


A polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon is a nonpolar, lipophilic molecule. Unlike most organic substances, PAHs are not soluble in water, so they tend to persist in the environment. In aqueous solutions, 2- and 3-ring PAHs are fairly soluble, but their solubility decreases almost linearly with increasing molecular mass. In contrast, larger molecules exist as solids. 2-, 3-, and 4-ring PAH molecules are sufficiently volatile to exist in gaseous phases. The colourless, white, yellow, or green PAH solids may also be colourless or white.



(C6H5)2CH2 is the formulation for diphenylmethane. A compound consisting of two phenyl groups replacing two hydrogen atoms in methane. There are many skeletons in organic chemistry, including diphenylmethane. Benzhydryl is another name for the diphenylmethyl group.

Preparation of diphenylmethane

Derivatives of diphenyl methane

Medicinal Uses

  • In the synthesis of luminogens, diphenylmethane plays an important role for aggregation-induced emission (AIE). In the science of luminogenic synthesis, diphenylmethane is widely used to make luminogens.
  • Diphenylmethyl potassium (DPMK) is a polymerization initiator made from this compound. Polymerization agents containing diphenylmethyl potassium.
The fragrance industry uses diphenylmethane both as a fixative and in soaps to scent them. This substance can be used in pesticides and insecticides to synergize with pyrethrin. The plasticizer diphenylmethane can be used as a dye carrier, a solvent for dyes, or a plasticizer to improve dyeing properties. Diphenylmethane has improved the thermal and lubricating properties of saturated linear polyesters as well as jet fuels by adding it to them.


Hydrocarbons have the formula (C6H5)3CH, and triphenylmethane has the formula (C6H5)3CH. Solvable in nonpolar organic solvents but not in water, this solid is colorless and soluble. Besides being an indicator of pH, triphenylmethane dyes can also display fluorescence. Many of these dyes are derived from triphenylmethane.

Chromogens are molecules that contain a chromogen, usually phenylmethane (C6H6)3CH. Auxochromes include OH, NH2 and NR2, and the chromophore is a p-quiniod structure. In sunlight, triphenylmethane dyes fade quickly, but they are very bright and intense. Textiles hardly use them anymore for this reason. On the other hand, they are widely used in color paper and typewriter ribbons, where light resistance is less essential.

Preparation of Triphenylmethane

Derivatives of Triphenylmethane

Medicinal Uses

The hydrocarbon triphenylmethane is based upon it. Lightfastness issues and chemical bleach resistance prevent them from being used in many applications except copying papers, hectograph, and printing inks, and textiles where lightfastness is not a significant issue.
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