Lux and Light Intensity for Pharmaceutical Areas : Pharmaguideline

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Lux and Light Intensity for Pharmaceutical Areas

Light intensity plays important role for better work at workplace in pharmaceuticals. it is better to have sufficient light at our working areas.
Sufficient light is necessary at the workplace to get better work output. Less lighting in working area can result in errors in different ways. None should experience eye-strain during his work.

Determination of light intensityPoor lighting can affect the health of the people working at workplace causing headache, eyestrain, and migraine. It is also linked to Sick Building Syndrome that causes a headache and poor concentration of the people. Poor lighting at work also harms the business resulting errors in work, increased absenteeism and reduced efficiency and productivity of the staff. Light intensity is measured in Lux.

Lux is a standard unit for light intensity measurement. 1 lux is equal to the light intensity of the surface 1 meter away from a single candle. A clear night with the full moon has 1 lux light intensity and direct sunlight has 1,00,000 lux light intensity. Following is the list of light intensity of different types of lights in our surroundings.

Moonless clear night – 0.002 lux
Clear night with full moon – 1 lux
Living rooms – 50 lux
Daylight on a rainy day – 100 lux
Office light – 300-500 lux
Clear day sun rise and sun set – 400 lux
Daylight – 25000 lux
Direct sunlight – 1,00,000 lux

Light intensity is measured by using an instrument called lux meter at the working height about 1 meter from the ground. Light intensity is measured at a minimum of five locations and an average of all readings is calculated to determine the final light intensity of the room.

UK government had published a document on Lighting at Work in 1987 describing the minimum lighting recommendations and health and safety risks from lighting at a workplace.

An ideal light intensity for office is 300-500 lux. It should be about 400 lux in all production areas and above 300 lux in sampling and dispense booths. It should be higher than normal in inspection areas to see the things better. Generally, inspection rooms have light having its intensity above 500 lux. Monitoring of the light intensity in all areas including manufacturing, stores, and laboratory should be done yearly.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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10 comments: Post Yours! Read Comment Policy ▼

  1. Dear Ankur Choudhary!
    I've been searching how to measure the light intensity but I've got nothing.
    In GMP, it say generally so I don't know the way to measure it. Follow you said, we measure at least five locations in the room and make an average all of them. So we choose some locations in a room to measure it by random test? Could you give me some references for that, please?
    It's too hard, I can't write a SOP for light intensity measurement if I don't have references, please help me.
    Thank you!

  2. What is the light intensity for the Visual inspection board while performing reconstitution study

  3. What will be the Lux level for clean area for manufacturing area as per usfda guideline

  4. Kindly communicate lux value for light sensative product

  5. Dear Ankur ji!
    Firstly thanks to u for ur blogs.
    Can give me any reference how to measure light intensity. My SOP is pending due to it, I give ur sop's reference in our plant sop, as u know without reference document is incomplete. So plz help.

  6. Good that you gave a reference to the topic,


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