SOP for Disposal of Media Containing Growth : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Disposal of Media Containing Growth

Standard operating procedure to discard media containing growth in plates and tubes obtained during analysis.

1.0 Objective

To ensure destruction of viable microorganisms in growth containing media plates & tubes.

2.0 Scope

This procedure is applicable to discard media containing growth in plates and tubes obtained during analysis.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 Doing: Tech.Assistant ( Microbiologist)
3.2 Checking: Executive/Manager

4.0 Accountability

Head of the Department

5.0 Procedure

5.1 Wear sterile gloves, goggles and mask before starting the work.
5.2 Place the discarded plates & tubes with media containing microbial growth in S.S.bowl.
5.3 Place the S.S.bowl in a vertical autoclave for sterilization as per S.O.P.
5.4 After completion of the sterilization cycle, dilute the liquified media approximately ten times with hot water & drain it in washing area.
5.5 Wash them with tap water.
5.6 Then wash the glassware with 0.1 % Teepol solution (prepared from Purified Water).
5.7 Remove the marker ink present on glassware using methanol.
5.8 Rinse the glassware three times using Purified water.
5.9 Mop the outer surface of the glassware with a clean cotton cloth.
5.10 Place them in the oven for drying.
5.11 Use dry glassware.
5.12 Clean the glass wares using hot nitric acid as per S.O.P, whenever require.
5.13 Disposal of Media filled Ampoule/Vial
5.13.1 Wear gloves, goggles & mask before starting the work.
5.13.2 Arrange the media filled ampoules/vials along with tray in the sterilizer.
5.13.3 Close the lid of sterilizer properly and run the sterilization cycle as per SOP (more than one cycle may require in case if sterilizer capacity does not sufficient to accommodate all ampoules/vials)
5.13.4 After completion of sterilization cycle allow the article to cool down to normal temperature & take out the media ampoule/vial out to the wash basin platform.
5.13.5 Remove the seal, closure / break the ampoule/vial & collect the media in a suitable size.
5.13.6 Dilute the collected media in a ratio approx 1:10 with tap water in a between and drain it in the basin. Continue the practice during disposal of entire quantity.
5.13.7 Collect the empty / broken ampoule/vial and seal in a separate waste bin in a plastic bag.
5.13.8 Tie the open end of plastic bag properly and transfer it to scrap disposal area.
5.13.9 Record the details of Sterilization cycle in Annexure – I

6.0 Abbreviations

6.1 SOP = Standard Operating Procedure
6.2 % = Percentage
6.3 &= and
6.4 S.S.= Stainless steel

Instrument I.D. No.:____________
Date :

Cycle No.
Material to be Sterilized
Sterilization Instruction
Cycle Started at
Cycle Completed at
Indicator Response
Remark & Sign.

Temp.: 121°C
Time : 30 min.

Temp.: 121°C
Time : 30 min.

Temp.: 121°C
Time : 30 min.

Temp.: 121°C
Time : 30 min.

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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