SOP for Calibration Procedure of U.V.Cabinet : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Calibration Procedure of U.V.Cabinet

Standard operating procedure to evaluate the performance of UV Cabinet for reliable and accurate results using sodium salicylate solution.


To calibrate the equipment for reliable and accurate results.


This procedure is applicable to the UV Cabinet, installed in the quality control department.


3.1 Doing: Technical Assistant
3.2 Checking: Executive/ Manager


Head of the Department


5.1 Frequency: Once in 3 months.
5.2 For 254 nm
5.3 Operate the instrument as per S.O.P.
5.4 Prepare a 0.04% w/v solution of sodium salicylate in ethanol (95%)
5.5 Apply 5µl of this solution on Silica gel G with a diameter of about 5mm and examine visually.
5.5 The distance between the lamp and the plate under examination used in a Pharmacopeial test should not exceed the distance used to carry out the above test.
5.7 The lamp should be capable of revealing without doubt a standard spot of sodium salicylate.
5.8 For 366 nm
5.9 Frequency: Once in 3 months
5.10 Operate the instrument as per S.O.P.
5.11 Prepare a 0.2% w/v solution of sodium salicylate in ethanol (95%)
5.12 Apply 5µl of this solution on Silica gel with a diameter of about 5mm and examine visually.
5.13 The distance between the lamp and the plate under examination used in a Pharmacopeial test should not exceed the distance used to carry out the above test.
5.14 The lamp should be capable of revealing without doubt a standard spot of sodium salicylate.

Related: SOP for UV Cabinet


6.1 UV Cabinet = Ultra violet Cabinet
6.2 Q.C. = Quality Control
6.3 TLC plate = Thin layer chromatographic plate.
6.4 % w/v = Percentage weight by volume.
6.5 mm = millimetre

1. Check For short wave length (254nm).

Wt. of Sodium salicylate taken :-________________ mg (About 0.04 gm) dilute to100 ml with ethanol (95%).
Spotting: Diameter of about 5mm and volume of 5μl and examine visually at 254nm

Results: The lamp should be capable of revealing, without doubt, a standard spot of sodium salicylate.
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