To lay down a procedure for the preventive maintenance of all quality control instruments which are having annual maintenance contract.2.0 SCOPE
This procedure is applicable for the most sophisticated and costly equipment which can not be repaired/serviced within the factory premises by routine maintenance and Engineering department staff.3.0 RESPONSIBILITY
3.1 Doing: Service engineer3.2 Checking: Executive/Manager
Head of the Department5.0 PROCEDURE
5.1 List out the equipment to be covered under AMC.5.2 After normal warranty period, communicate the company who supplied the said equipment to submit their proposal for Annual Maintenance Contract.
5.3 Evaluate the terms and conditions of contract and remuneration given by company and inform the company for personal discussion for any queries to be clarified.
5.4 On successful explanation for the queries raised from company, sign a contract for one year.
5.5 Maintain Instrument maintenance card to record the service undertaken and any parts, if changed.
5.6 Follow the preventive maintenance programme of instrument.
5.7 Carry out the preventive maintenance of instrument as per schedule agreed in AMC with respective party.
5.8 Renew the contract on same terms and conditions on yearly basis.
6.1 Q.C= Quality control6.2 A.M.C.= Annual maintenance contract
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