To lay down the procedure for handling of sieves and screen.2.0 SCOPE
This SOP shall be applicable for receipt, numbering system, usage, storage and destruction of sieves and screens.3.0 RESPONSIBILITY
3.1 Execution: Production Pharmacist3.2 Checking: Production Officer & Above
HOD-Production / Assigned Designee5.0 PROCEDURE
5.1.1 Raise the requisition note to purchase department with the required specifications for ordering the new sieves/screen.5.1.2 On the receipt of new sieves/screen from the manufacturer, check the quantity as per delivery challans.
5.1.3 After receiving the sieves/screen record the entry in format.
5.1.4 Check the intactness/ integrity of the sieves/screen visually if any and record the same.
5.1.5 Inform details of damaged sieves/screen if any, to the purchase department/ manufacturer and return the same.
5.2.1 Following system is followed for numbering of sifter sieve5.2.2 Number the sieve as VS/60/01.
5.2.3 VS stand for Vibro sifter.
5.2.4 60 stands for mesh size.
5.2.5 01 stands for sieve number.
5.2.6 After receiving new sieve of the same specification, assign next sieve number serially e.g. 2nd sieve will be numbered as VS/60/02.
5.3 Following system is followed for numbering of multi mill screen.
5.3.1 Number the screen as MM/4.0/01.
5.3.2 4.0 stand for screen size.
5.3.3 01 stands for the number of screens.
5.3.4 After receiving a new screen of the same specification, assign next screen number serially e.g. 2nd screen will be numbered as MM/4.0/02.
5.4 Following system is followed for numbering of the screen of cad mill.
5.4.1 Number the screen as CM/4.0/01.
5.4.2 CM stands for the screen of cad mill.
5.4.3 2.0 stand for screen size.
5.4.4 01 stands for the number of screens
5.4.5 After receiving a new screen of the same specification, assign next screen number serially e.g. 2nd screen will be numbered as CM/4.0/02.
5.5 Clean the sieves and screens after assigning the number.
5.6.1 New Sieves/screen should be stored in the polybag and kept into the racks with “CLEANED” label and maintain a record.5.6.2 The numbered sieves/screen were dedicated to the area and its usage is recorded in format.
5.6.3 Check the intactness of the sieves/screen before and after use and also record the same in format.
5.6.4 Ensure the cleanliness of the sieves/screen both before and after use and clean the sieves/ screen as per standard cleaning procedure.
5.6.5 Whenever there is a product changeover, the operator shall clean & dry sieves/screen properly & pharmacist shall affix “CLEANED” status label to the sieves/screen
5.7.1 If the sieves/screen found damaged or defective during use or at the time of integrity check should be destroyed.5.7.2 Before sending the sieves/screen to scrap yard for destruction, shaped by using the hammer.
5.7.3 Record the entry of destruction in format.
6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure6.2 Q.A.: Quality Assurance
6.3 HOD: Head of The Department
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