SOP for Cleaning and Sterilization of Glassware Used in Microbiology Laboratory : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Cleaning and Sterilization of Glassware Used in Microbiology Laboratory

Standard operating procedure of cleaning and sterilization of glassware used for microbial analysis.


To describe the procedure for the cleaning of glassware used in the microbiology lab.

2.0 SCOPE 

This SOP is applicable for the cleaning of glassware used in the microbiological analysis.


Microbiologist - Quality Control


Manager - Quality Control


5.1 General Conditions

Use the flasks, Pipettes and manifold units within 3 days of sterilization.
5.2 For Volumetric Flasks, beaker, conical flasks, test tubes, stand, roux bottle and stopper bottle
5.2.1 Drain out the solution from glassware completely & wash these with potable water to remove the solution. Scrub the interior & exterior surfaces of the glassware with 2% soap solution or 0.5% labolene using a long handle brush.
5.2.2 Drain out the soap solution and wash the glassware thoroughly with potable water to remove the detergent completely and then rinse with purified water.
5.2.3 Dry the glassware in the oven at 60 to 65°C.
5.2.4 Plug the mouth of the dried flasks, test tubes with non-absorbent cotton plug and wrap with Cello fen/Butter paper. Affix indicator if required.
5.2.5 Autoclave the glassware at 121°C, 15 lbs pressure for validated cycle time.

5.3 For Pipettes and burettes

5.3.1 Immediately after use dip the pipettes/burettes in freshly prepared 2% liquid soap or 0.5% labolene solution.
5.3.2 Flush each pipettes/burettes with the jet of potable water.
5.3.3 Remove all traces of liquid soap by flushing jet of potable water thoroughly.
5.3.4 Rinse the pipettes/burettes with purified water and distilled water and dry in an oven at 60 to 65°C.
5.3.5 Plug the mouth of the dried pipettes/burettes with non-absorbent cotton plug
5.3.6 Wrap with Cello fen/Butter paper, affix indicator if required and autoclave at 121°C, 15 lbs pressure for validated cycle time.
5.3.7 Affix labels having the date of sterilization & Use Before.

5.4 For Manifold Units

5.4.1 Disassemble the unit and wash thoroughly with 2% soap solution to gasket, lid and interior and the exterior surface of the units.
5.4.2 Wash the unit with potable water and purified water.
5.4.3 Finally rinse the unit with distilled water and keep for drying.
5.4.4 Assemble the unit and pack with Cello fen/Butter paper Affix indicator if required and autoclave at 121°C, 15 lbs pressure for validated cycle time.
5.4.5 Affix labels having the date of Sterilization & Use Before.

5.5 For Petri plates

5.5.1 Remove Agar from the Petri plates with a blunt knife.
5.5.2 Collect the Agar in a stainless steel container and autoclave at 121°C, 15 lbs pressure for 30 minutes.
5.5.3 Immediately dispose the medium by burning in the specified place or drain it in ETP.
5.5.4 Dip the plates in a washtub filled with disinfectant solution.
5.5.5 Rinse the plates with tap water and dip them in a washtub containing 2% Soap solution or 0.5% labolene.
5.5.6 Scrub each plate with a brush or scrubber.
5.5.7 Wash each plate thoroughly with tap water to remove soap with purified water.
5.5.8 Finally rinse with purified water. Keep the plates for drying in an oven at 60 to 65 °C.
5.5.9 After drying pack 5 to 10 Petri dishes in 1 bundle and wrap with Cello fen/Butter paper. Affix indicator if required and autoclave at 121°C, 15 lbs pressure for validated cycle time.
5.5.10 Affix labels having the date of Sterilization & Use Before.

5.6 Precaution

5.5.1 While handling used Petri Plates, Pipettes and Flasks, wear disposable latex rubber hand gloves.
5.5.2 All Contaminated glass wares should be sterilized at 121°C for validated cycle time.
5.7 Frequency After every use of glassware.


6.1 SOP - Standard Operating Procedure

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