Calibration of Viscometer : Pharmaguideline

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Calibration of Viscometer

Learn how to calibrate the Viscometer using different viscosity standards.

Calibration Procedure

1. Ensure that instrument is ready for use.
2. Calibrate the instrument by using different calibration standards. (i.e. 50, 500, 1000 and 5000 cps, Use “BROOKFIELD CALIBRATION FLUID”)
3. Select the spindle as per requirement, by pressing the “SELECT SPINDLE” key, on the display “S” line will begin to blink for four seconds.
4. Press “UP or DOWN” (­↑↓) arrow keys while blinking, two digit character values will change accordingly. (UP for increase in spindle no. and DOWN for Decrease in spindle no.) Release the arrow key to halt further scrolling and re-press the “SELECT SPINDLE” key.

5. Select the speed as per requirement, by pressing the “SET SPEED” key, on the display “0.0” line will begin to blink for four seconds.
6. Select the rpm speed by pressing the “UP or DOWN” (­↑↓) arrow key, the current rpm speed will display on the bottom line of the screen and RPM will blink. [UP for increase the RPM speed & DOWN for Decrease the RPM speed.] Re-press the “SET SPEED” key.
7. Attach the selected spindle to the lower shaft, lift the shaft slightly, holding it firmly with one hand while screwing the spindle on with the other hand.
8. Put the test solution beaker below the spindle center and insert the spindle until the fluid level is at immersion groove in the spindle shaft middle of the “SPINDLE MARK LINE”. (Ensure that no air bubble is trapped to the surface of the spindle).
9. Press the “MOTOR ON/ OFF” key to run the test.
10. Allow time to stabiles the reading, (The time required for the stabilization is depend on the speed of running & characteristics of the sample fluid.)
11. Record the stabilized reading in CPS unit in calibration log.
12. Press the “MOTOR ON/ OFF” key to stop the test and put ‘off’ the instrument mains.
13. Clean the spindle & instrument after use.
14. Affix the calibration label on the instrument.
Related: Determination of Viscosity by Using Ostwald-type, Suspended-level and Rotating Viscometer

Instrument:____________                                                               Code No:______________
Make       :_____________                                                               Model:   _______________

Sr. No.
Viscosity Standard
Lot. No.
Set Spindle No.
Observed  Viscosity Value in cps
(Label claim+ 1.0 % CPS)
50 cps
100 cps
500 cps
1000 cps
5000 cps
Calibration Status         :  Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory
Next Calibration Due    :
Calibrated By   :                                                                                   Checked By     :
Date                 :                                                                                   Date                :  

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