Destruction of Microbial Waste : Pharmaguideline

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Destruction of Microbial Waste

Learn how to descruct the microbial waste generated from microbial analysis.

1.0 Equipment Required

Validated Autoclave
SS trays
Heat resistant Hand gloves

2.0 Material Required

Microbial waste
Aluminum foil
Chemical Indicator slip
Nonabsorbent cotton
Disinfectant solution.

3.0 Procedure:

3.1 Wear protective garments, nose mask and hand gloves prior to start the destruction of microbial waste.
3.2 Collect and transfer all used microbiological media, cultures and contaminated glassware to washing area.
3.3 Remove the liquid media and agar media in a waste destruction container with the help of the spatula.
3.4 Add a disinfectant solution (except for IPA 70%) i.e. half quantity of the waste media and plug with cotton and finally wrap with aluminum foil.
3.5 For pipettes, spatula, forceps and spreader soak in the disinfectant solution for 30 minutes and proceed for cleaning of glassware for microbiological testing.
3.6 Leave the waste media and glassware for half an hour at room temperature to facilitate the reaction of disinfectant solution.
3.7 For dehydrated culture media, empty out the content in a large glass container, add sufficient water to dissolve the medium and plug with non-absorbent cotton.
3.8 Transfer the waste media and glassware to autoclave along with autoclave chemical indicator.
3.9 Start the autoclave as per SOP for Operation of Autoclave and note the time of autoclave starting.
3.10 Note down the time when the temperature and pressure reached 121°C and 15 psi respectively.
3.11 Hold the cycle for 30 minutes (note down the holding time) and shut OFF an autoclave after 30 minutes of holding time.
3.12 Open the Autoclave when the pressure becomes 0 psi, as per SOP for autoclave operation.
3.13 Collect the autoclaved material is stainless steel tray and transfer to washbasin of washing Area.
3.14 Drain out the media with the flow of water, rinse the glassware with water and clean the glassware as per SOP for cleaning of glassware for microbiological testing.
3.15 Immediately run the empty autoclave load along with chemical indicator slip for 30 minutes.

4.0 Precaution

4.1 During loading and unloading of Autoclave always wear a safety heat resistant hand gloves.
4.2 Do not keep the glassware rinsed with solvent.
4.3 Do not autoclave the fresh media for routine use with destruction cycle.
4.4 Wash the hands with soap and then rinse with 70% isopropyl alcohol after completing the destruction operations.

5.0 Abbreviations

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
QA: Quality Assurance
QC: Quality Control
NA: Not Applicable
SS: Stainless steel
WFI: Water for Injection
Also see: Effluent Treatment Process

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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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  1. Used, contaminated media for destruction transferred under LAF before destruction in autoclave??? plz guide me.

  2. Anonymous22 June

    Thanks for sharing such a amazing information with Autoclave Fumigator. To get more details visit our website.


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