To lay down the procedure for the operation and Maintenance of Water Purification system.2.0 SCOPE
This is applicable to Quality Control Department3.0 RESPONSIBILITY
Microbiologist4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY
Head of the department5.0 PROCEDURE
5.1 Operating Procedure for Elix
5.1.1 Put on the main switch, which is located at the backside of the Elix by this green indicator light indicates that power supply is ON.5.1.2 The system displays STANDBY and FLUSH.
5.1.3 Press continuously OPERATE / STANDBY button located on the front panel of the system.
5.1.4 The system displays OPERATE and FLUSH.
5.1.5 After the completion of the flush cycle the system produces purified water and is stored in the reservoir.
5.1.6 Once the tank is full the system displays TANK FULL and Elix system stops.
5.1.7 If the water level is decreases in the reservoir, Elix will operate to transfer water to the reservoir.
5.2 Operating procedure for Reservoir
Before collection of the water from the tap provided in the reservoir make sure that the reservoir tank contains sufficient water by confirming with the display of Elix (minimum of 20%)5.3 Operating procedure for Milli-Q A10 Gradient
5.3.1 Put on the main switch, which is located at the backside of the Milli-Q A10. Green indicator light glows, indicates that power supply is ON.5.3.2 The system will display PREOPERATE/STANDBY.
5.3.3 To change PREOPERATE/STANDBY mode press continuously OPERATE / STANDBY button, which is located on the front side of the panel.
5.3.4 Make sure that system is in PREOPERATE mode.
5.3.5 To collect the water move the trigger on the dispenser towards the downward direction.
5.3.6 After collection of water from the system, push the trigger back to the upward direction to stop the water.
5.4 System Routine Maintenance
5.4.1 Cleaning Procedure of Reservoir: Drain the water present in the reservoir tank by opening the tap provided to the reservoir. Opening the knob of reservoir situated at the bottom, which is blue in color shall drain off the remaining water. Completely drain the water from the reservoir. Frequency: Weekly.
Related: SOP for Cleaning of Water Purification System
5.4.2 Chlorine Cycle Procedure Put the system in standby mode by continuously pressing the OPERATE / STANDBY button located on front side of the panel of Elix system. Open the lid of the system and put one chlorine tablet in it and then close the lid. Push the cleaning button for 10 seconds. “Cl2 Clear” will appear on the screen. The instrument shows “15 mm” and subsequently it shows the time laps. Cycle time is 15 minutes. After the completion of the Chlorine cycle the system produces purified water and is stored in the reservoir. Frequency for Chlorine cleaning cycle: Once in a month.
5.5 System Break Down Maintenance
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“Low Pressure” display on the screen
• Ensure the feed water valve is open
• Ensure that the feed pressure is above 0.5bar
• Check the requirement for Replacement of the Pre-filter
• If the stand by pressure is below 0.5 bar replace the PROGARD
“Exchange Pack” light is constantly illuminated
Put the system in the “STANDBY” mode remove the PROGARD and place it back
“Start Auto Clean” display on the screen
Follow the routine maintenance procedure for sanitation.
“%Reject < SP” display
Replace the RO cartridge.
“Product < SP” display
Call Millipore Service engineer
6.1 SOP - Standard operating procedure
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