SOP for Operation and Cleaning of Vertical Portable Autoclave : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Operation and Cleaning of Vertical Portable Autoclave

Standard operating procedure to operate and clean the Vertical Portable Autoclave used to sterilize the media and glassware.


To lay down the procedure for Operation of Vertical Portable Autoclave.


This is applicable to quality control department.




Head of Department


5.1.1 Open the lid by unlocking the radial system and then pressing paddle-lifting device with the foot.
5.1.2 Fill water in the chamber at least the 2-inch above the immersion heater. The elements must be fully dipped in the water, keep the items to be sterilized in the perforated basket.
5.1.3 Close the lead and tighten the radial locking system. Make sure that lid and the steam release valve is tight to avoid leakage.
5.1.4 Plug in the wire to a main socket and switch on the main switch.
5.1.5 Let the pressure rise up to the desired point and at approximately 15 PSI the spring - loaded valve will automatically release the excess steam being formed. Let this cycle continue for at least 20-25 minutes. Now switch off the main switch and release the stream completely by the steam release valve. Only then open the lid to remove the sterilized material after the pressure gauge comes back to zero and there is no more steam.
5.1.6 Check water level before each operation from a water level glass window which provided on outside.

5.2 Cleaning procedure

5.2.1 Clean the external stainless steel surface with a cleaning agent such as colin with a clean cloth.
5.2.2 Clean the chamber with soap solution and thereafter with purified water at the end of working day.


6.1 SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
6.2 PSI - Pascal Per Square Inch
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Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of, a widely-read pharmaceutical blog since 2008. Sign-up for the free email updates for your daily dose of pharmaceutical tips.
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