SOP for Disposal of Contaminated Material : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Disposal of Contaminated Material

Standard operating procedure to dispose off the contaminated material.


To lay down a procedure for proper disposal of contaminated material to ensure all media containing microbial growth are disposed of properly.


Applicable to Microbiology Laboratory.




Head of Department


5.1 Disposal procedure for contaminated Glassware

5.1.1 Wear latex gloves and disposable face mask.
5.1.2 Collect all microbiologically contaminated materials including petri-plates, tubes, lyophilized cultures ampules culture slants/ stabs, flasks.
5.1.3 Put all the material into stainless steel (SS) container and put the SS container into vertical portable autoclave.
5.1.4 Run the vertical portable autoclave according to SOP for 20 minutes
5.1.5 After completion of Autoclaving, the liquid medium should be drained while hot, with running water and then wash the reusable glassware as per procedure for washing of glassware according to SOP.

5.2 Disposal procedure for contaminated plastic ware

5.2.1 Take all the disposable material into an autoclavable plastic bag and put all the disposable contaminated material into SS container and run the vertical portable autoclave according to SOP and send all the material to disposal storage area.

5.3 Disposal of media filled ampules/ vials

5.3.1 Autoclave the contaminated vials in terminal sterilizer in production.
5.3.2 The non contaminated vials should be drained in the effluent treatment plant and empty vials should be crushed in vial crusher.

5.4 Disposal of contaminated mops and latex gloves

5.4.1 The contaminated mops/tissue papers and latex gloves are used over the disinfected cultures on surfaces during any spillage and shall be put in poly bags before putting in discard bins and sent all the material to disposal storage area.

5.5 Disposal of Biological indicators

5.5.1 The biological indicators run as positive controls or indicators showing growth after running in sterilization cycles (if any) during validation studies shall be discarded after autoclaving along with other discard.

5.6 Sterility Canisters

5.6.1 The media of sterility canisters not showing any growth shall be drained into the sink after adding 5-10 ml of 2.5 % disinfectant solution as such per 100 ml of media to be discarded.
5.6.2 Sterility canisters showing growth shall be placed in an autoclavable plastic bag and put the bag into SS container.
5.6.3 Run the vertical portable autoclave according to SOP for 20 minutes
5.6.5 Send the empty canisters, vials, needle and other waste articles to disposal storage area.

5.7 Used Kit from Biomeriuex identification system.

5.7.1 Place all the used kit into in autoclavable plastic bag and put the bag in SS container.
5.7.2 Run the vertical portable autoclave according to SOP for 20 minutes
5.7.3 Send the kit and other waste for disposal storage area.


6.1 SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
6.2 SS - Stainless steel
6.3 % - Percentage
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