SOP for Cleaning and Sanitation of Microbiology Lab : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Cleaning and Sanitation of Microbiology Lab

Standard operating procedure to clean and sanitize the Microbiology laboratory with disinfectant.


To lay down the procedure for Cleaning and Sanitation of Microbiology laboratory.


It is applicable to Microbiology laboratory.




Head of Department


5.1 Precautions

5.1.1 Perform the area cleaning and sanitation when there is no activity.
5.1.2 Handle the disinfectant carefully to avoid contact with skin and eyes. Use only validated disinfectants.
5.1.3 Do not use expired disinfectant solutions.
5.1.4 Rotate the disinfectants use to avoid the development of resistance by microorganisms. For MLT & LAL test area and sterility area cleaning use freshly prepared 0.45 m filtered disinfectants.
5.1.5 Wherever suitable use vacuum cleaner. Ensure the vacuum cleaners are in clean and dry condition before use.
5.1.6 Use separate lint free mop and fresh solution for cleaning of different area to avoid contamination of mop and solution.
5.1.7 Use only dedicated buckets/ containers for preparation and filtration for different disinfectants.
5.1.8 Rotate the disinfectant once in a week sequentially, with validated disinfectants.

5.2 Preparation of Disinfectant solution

5.2.1 Take the required amount of disinfectant and add purified water to make up desired final volume.
5.2.2 Keep the container containing disinfectant in the pass box.
5.2.3 Filter the disinfectant under the LAF with the help of filtration assembly.
5.2.4 Prepare the volume of disinfectant according to the use and record the details.

5.3 Cleaning and Sanitization of MLT and LAL test, Media preparation, and decontamination area

5.3.1 Start cleaning in the following sequence with lint free mop soaked with 70% v/v filtered Iso propyl alcohol. Outer surface of equipment. Cabinet and accessories. View glass windows and doors.
5.3.2 Empty waste bins. (Replace the plastic liner daily.)
5.3.3 Mop the floor with validated disinfectant with non-fibre shedding mop. As per the following sequence as mentioned below. MLT and LAL test room Change room Change room Media preparation room Change room media predation Inspect and ensure the cleanliness of the area and record. Frequency: Twice a day, beginning and at the end of working hours or whenever required.
5.3.4 The other ancillary areas shall be cleaned once in a day and whenever required.
5.3.5 Inspect and ensure the cleanliness of the area and record.

5.4 Fogging of MLT, LAL test room and Change rooms

5.4.1 Switch off the air-handling unit (AHU) of MLT, LAL test room and change rooms.
5.4.2 Perform the fogging of the area with the help of fogger. Operate the fogger according to SOP for operation of the fogger.
5.4.3 Record the details.
5.4.4 Put 'ON' air handling unit (AHU) of MLT, LAL test room on next day.
5.4.5 Frequency: Once in a day after completion of work.
5.4.6 Note: Fogging Shall be done in the sequence

5.5 Cleaning and Sanitation of sterility testing area

5.5.1 Follow the procedure from point no 5.1.1 to 5.2.2
5.5.2 Mop the floor with validated disinfectant with non-fibre shedding mop. As per following sequence as mentioned below. Buffer room: Autoclave unloading area Sterility testing room Buffer room Garment cubicle room Inspect and ensure the cleanliness of the area and record. Frequency: Twice in a day and whenever required.

5.6 Cleaning and Sanitation of Airlock and Buffer

5.6.1 Mop the floor with validated disinfectant with non-fibre shedding mop.

5.7 Fogging of Sterility testing area and Sterility cRABS

5.7.1 Switch off the air supply and exhaust system of sterility testing area and sterility cRABS.
5.7.2 Perform the fogging of the area with the help of fogger. Operate the fogger according to SOP
5.7.3 Record the details.
5.7.4 Put 'ON' air supply and air suction of sterility test area on next day.
5.7.5 Frequency: Once in a day after completion of work.
Note: Fogging Shall be done in the sequence

5.8 Cleaning of Doors, Walls, Glass windows, Riser grill, and Ceiling

5.8.1 Clean the doors, walls, glass windows, riser grill, and ceiling with dry non-fibre shedding mop.
5.8.2 Mop the doors, walls, glass windows, riser grill and ceiling with validated disinfectant with non-fibre shedding mop.
5.8.3 Inspect and ensure the cleanliness of the area and record.
5.8.4 Frequency: Weekly or when required.

5.9 Sanitation of drain point

5.9.1 Clean and flush the drain with water.
5.9.2 Fill the cup of the drain with disinfectant or Flush the drain with disinfectant available on the day of use.
5.9.3 Cleaning shall be done at the end of working or when required.
5.9.4 Record the details of sanitation.


6.1 SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
6.2 AHU - Air handling unit
6.3 % - Percent
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