SOP for Cleaning, Maintinance and Calibration of Digital Colony Counter : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Cleaning, Maintinance and Calibration of Digital Colony Counter

Standard operating procedure to clean and calibrate the digital colont counter used to count the bacterial colony developed on petri dish.


To lay down a procedure is to provide guidelines for operation & calibration of digital Colony Counter.


This procedure is applicable for Colony Counter which is installed in Microbiology Laboratory of Quality Control Department.




Head-QA & QC


5.1 Operation

5.1.1 Connect the Colony counter to the mains supply and switch “ON” the power switch.
5.1.2 Now Switch “ON” the mains switch of the equipment.
5.1.3 Now the digital display will show “0000”, if the digital display is not showing “0000” then press the reset button, digital display will show “0000”.
5.1.4 Place a petri dish on illuminating surface.
5.1.5 Adjust the magnifying glass to view a clear colony present in the Petri dish.
5.1.6 Open the lid of marker pen and properly press the tip of the pen on the colonies present on the Petri plates and checks the digital display will show you a colony in numbers.
5.1.7 Record the colony count in format and remove the plate from the platform.
5.1.8 Press the reset button and repeat the above procedure for all the plates.
5.1.9 After completion of work, press the reset button, switch OFF the Mains.

5.2 Maintenance/ Cleaning: Daily

5.2.1 Wipe the outer surface of the instrument with Colin solution.
5.2.2 Rinse the cubed with distilled water.
5.2.3 Interior maintenance by Service Engineer if necessary.

5.3 Calibration

5.3.1 Frequency of calibration quarterly.
5.3.2 Connect the Colony counter to the mains supply and switch “ON” the power switch.
5.3.3 Now operate the colony counter as per SOP for operating instruction for colony counter.
5.3.4 Place an empty petri plate on the illuminating surface; adjust the magnifying glass to view the clear petri plate.
5.3.5 Press the tip of marker pen 5 times till audio button indicates BEEP song and then check the number displayed on the screen, it should be 0005.
5.3.6 Press the RESET button, the digital display will show “0000” again press the marker pen 10 times on the surface of Petri plate.
5.3.7 Repeat the same procedure by pressing the marker pen 15 times, 20 times, 25 times and 50 times and 100 times.
5.3.8 Calibration of colony counter is valid if the number displayed on the screen is equal to the number of time of marker pen pressed.
5.3.9 After completion of work, press the reset button, switch OFF the Mains.
5.3.10 Immediately put the “CALIBRATION” tag duly filled with necessary information.
5.3.11 Ensure each time of pressing for BEEP audio song.

5.4 Precaution

5.4.1 Use 70% IPA to disinfect your hands.
5.4.2 Do not open the lid of Petri dish.
5.4.3 Press the marker pen on petri plates till the Audio buzzer indicates Beep song.

5.5 Frequencies

5.5.1 Daily for operation.
5.5.2 Daily for Cleaning.
5.5.3 Quarterly for Calibration.

5.6 Limits/ Acceptance Criteria

5.6.1 Calibration of colony counter is valid if the number displayed on the screen is equal to the number of time of marker pen pressed.


6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
6.2 QA: Quality Assurance
6.3 QC: Quality Control
6.4 NA: Not Applicable
6.5 SS: Stainless steel
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