To lay down a Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Microscope.2.0 SCOPE
This procedure is applicable for Microscope which is installed in Microbiology laboratory of Quality Control Department.3.0 RESPONSIBILITY
Microbiologist4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY
5.1 Operating Procedure
5.1.1 Switch on the instrument by using ‘ON /OFF’ switch.5.1.2 Set the required brightness through brightness control.
5.1.3 Position the slide on the stage with the sample to be observed on the upper surface of the slide.
5.1.4 Adjust the slide to bring into the exact center of the light source.
5.1.5 Low magnification objective lens shall be focussed first followed by high magnification lens on the center of the sample.
5.1.6 Turn the coarse adjustment knob to adjust the stage.
5.1.7 While observing through the ocular bring the object into focus by adjusting with the coarse knob. By using fine adjustment knob, focus the sample for better resolution
5.1.8 Adjust the diaphragm lever to reduce or increase the light intensity to produce the clear and sharp image.
5.1.9 Once the image is visible, adjust the slide for the targeted item in the image.
5.1.10 To proceed from low power to high power magnification, rotate the high power objective into position.
5.2 Make a minor adjustment with the fine adjustment knob to sharpen up the image, if necessary.
5.2.1 Whenever the objective to be observed under oil immersion, place one-drop immersion oil or require quantity after it is focussed with magnification. Then bring the oil immersion lens (100X) into position.
Related: SOP for Calibration of Microscope
5.3 Care and Maintenance
5.3.1 Cover the instrument with the dust cover after use.5.4 Cover open tubes with dust protection caps.
5.4.1 Remove dust and dirt from the visible optical surface using a brush or a cotton cloth.
5.4.2 Remove water-soluble dirt with a dust free cotton cloth.
5.5 Remove stubborn, oily or greasy dirt with a swab of cotton or a dust free cotton cloth dipped in the optics cleaning mixture.
5.5.2 Store particularly sensitive components and accessories, such as objectives and eyepiece, in the dry closet.
SOP: Standard Operating ProcedureQA: Quality Assurance
QC: Quality Control
NA: Not Applicable
SS: Stainless steel
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