SOP for Entry and Exit in Microbiological Testing Room : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Entry and Exit in Microbiological Testing Room

Standard operating procedure to enter and exit in microbiological testing room containing LAF for microbial analysis.


To lay down the procedure for Entry and exit in Microbiology testing area.


This SOP shall be applicable to Quality Control Dept.




Head Quality Control Department.


5.1 Procedure for entry into the Microbiological testing room

5.1.1 Remove Microbiology laboratory footwear outside the change room – I.
5.1.2 Enter the Change room –I after wearing the footwear provided for use in Microbiology testing area.
5.1.3 Take one packet consisting of Pre-sterilized over gown and cap and two pairs of pre-sterilized hand gloves individually packed in butter paper.
5.1.4 Enter the Change Room –II by opening the door.
5.1.5 Disinfect hands by spraying 0.45 m filtered 70% IPA.
5.1.6 Open one of the gloves packet and wear a pair of sterilized gloves in change room -II.
5.1.7 Open pre sterilized gown pack, and wear cap and gown in change room-II.
5.1.8 Disinfect hands by spraying 0.45 m filtered 70% IPA.
5.1.9 Open the another gloves packet and wear it.
5.1.10 Transfer the sterile media and glassware required for microbiological analysis inside the testing room by passing the door with the elbow.

5.2 Procedure for exit from Microbiological testing Area

5.2.1 After completion of work, put off the Spirit lamp, remove all discarded material, material for washing and the media used for the test through UV hatch ensuring that UV light is off.
5.2.2 Enter the Change Room –II and close the door of the microbiological testing area.
5.2.3 Proceed from change room – II to change room–I.
5.2.4 Remove both pair of hand gloves, over gown and cap. Fold neatly and put them into a poly bag & transfer the poly bag outside the change room.
5.2.5 Remove foot wear of microbiological testing area and come out from change room-I
5.2.6 Wear the footwear assigned for the use in the laboratory.

5.3 Precautions

5.3.1 Spray the LAF bench with 70 % 0.45µ filtered IPA and mop with lint free cloth.
5.3.2 The person suffering from a cough and cold shall not enter microbiological testing Area.
5.3.3 The person with wounds shall not enter the microbiological testing area.
5.3.4 Ensure that both the doors of change rooms are not open at a time.
5.3.5 Use sterile over gown, cap and hand gloves every time.


6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
6.2 QC: Quality Control
6.3 IPA: Iso Propyl Alcohol
6.4 LAF: Laminar Air Flow
6.5 Dept.: Deprtment
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