SOP for Preparation of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, Sodium Meta Bi Sulphite Solution (SMBS), Brine Solution and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Solution for Purified Water : Pharmaguideline

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SOP for Preparation of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, Sodium Meta Bi Sulphite Solution (SMBS), Brine Solution and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Solution for Purified Water

Standard operating procedure to prepare the chemical solutions used for water treatment.


To lay down the procedure for to provide a written procedure for preparation of Sodium Hypochlorite solution, Sodium Meta Bi Sulphite solution (SMBS), Brine solution and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) solution for purified water.


This SOP shall be applicable for the purified water system.


Operator/ Engineer/ Executive


Head of Department.


5.1 Preparation of Sodium Hypochlorite solution

5.1.1 Take 45 liters of fresh potable water in dosing tank.
5.1.2 Add 5 liters of fresh Sodium Hypochlorite (6% weight/volume (w/v) concentration-approx.) in dosing tank and stir with the help of S.S. laddle.
5.1.3 Adjust dosing rate such that free chlorine level approx.2 ppm is maintained at the outlet of the softener (This is checked by Free Chlorine Test Kit).
5.1.4 Prepare and add fresh solution in the dosing tank daily.
5.1.5 Avoid low level situation in dosing tank.

5.2 Preparation of Sodium Meta Bi Sulphite solution

5.2.1 Take 45 liters of fresh potable water in SMBS dosing tank.
5.2.2 Take 1 kg of SMBS powder and add in 5 liters of potable water in bucket and dissolve the SMBS powder in potable water.
5.2.3 Transfer the solution of step 5.2.2 to the SMBS dosing tank through 200 mesh Nylon cloth.
5.2.4 Mix the solution in SMBS dosing tank with the help of stainless steel laddle.
5.2.5 Approximately 3 ppm of SMBS solution will neutralise 1 ppm of free chlorine. Adjust the dosing rate in such a way that the soft water is dechlorinated. (Free chlorine in water should be NIL).
5.2.6 Prepare and add fresh solution in the dosing tank daily.
5.2.7 Avoid low level situation in dosing tank.

5.3 Preparation of Brine Solution

5.3.1 Take 15 kg of sodium chloride-AR grade (5 kg bags- 3 Nos).
5.3.2 Add it in brine solution tank.
5.3.3 Mix the solution in brine solution tank with the help of S.S. laddle.
5.3.4 Add 15 kg of sodium chloride in the brine solution tank daily in the morning.

5.4 Preparation of Sodium Hydroxide Solution for pH Correction

5.4.1 Take 500 gm of Sodium Hydroxide flakes and add it to 5 liters of potable water in a bucket.
5.4.2 Dissolve the Sodium Hydroxide flakes in water and allow to cool to room temperature.
5.4.3 Take 45 liters of fresh potable water in pH correction dosing tank.
5.4.4 Transfer it into pH correction dosing tank through 200 mesh Nylon cloth.
5.4.5 Mix the solution in pH correction dosing tank with the help of S.S. laddle.
5.4.6 Adjust the dosing rate such that pH 7.5 to 8.0 is maintained before RO system.
5.4.7 Prepare and add the fresh solution in the dosing tank daily.
5.4.8 Avoid low level situation in dosing tank.

5.5 Precaution

5.5.1 Use proper hand gloves duly disinfected with IPA or chlorinated water while preparing the Solution.
5.5.2 Use safety goggle and mask while preparing the solution.
5.5.3 Clean the buckets, S.S. laddle and nylon cloth after solution preparation activity.


6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
6.2 RO: Reverse Osmosis
6.3 S.S.: Stainless Steel
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