To lay down the procedure for operation of high tension (H.T.) panel.2.0 SCOPE
This SOP shall be applicable for H.T.3.0 RESPONSIBILITY
Operator/ Officer4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY
HOD Engineering5.0 PROCEDURE
5.1 For Putting ON the Panel
5.1.1 Ensure breaker in its position inside the panel.5.1.2 Ensure that “TRIP CIRCUIT HEALTHY” indication appears on the panel.
5.1.3 Check incoming voltage between R-Y, Y-B & B-R on the voltmeter provided, it should be 10.5 to 11KV.
5.1.4 Close the breaker by turning the rotary switch to “CLOSE” position.
5.1.5 Ensure vacuum circuit breaker is in ON position.
5.1.6 Following indication lamps will glow.
5.1.7 Close Vacuum Circuit Breaker of transformer 1 by turning rotary switch to CLOSE POSITION.
5.1.8 Close Vacuum Circuit Breaker of Transformer-2 by turning rotary switch to CLOSE POSITION.
5.2 For Putting OFF the Panel
5.2.1 Trip the vacuum circuit breaker of transformer-1 by turning the rotary switch to “TRIP” position.5.2.2 Breaker will trip and transformer -1will be put OFF.
5.2.3 Trip Incomer circuit breaker of the transformer -2 by turning the rotary switch to TRIP position.
5.2.4 Breaker will trip and transformer-2 will be put OFF.
5.2.5 Trip incomer vacuum circuit breaker by turning the rotary switch to trip position. Entire panel will OFF.
5.3 For Drawing out the Breaker
5.3.1 Trip the circuit breaker, which is to be drawn out.5.3.2 Open the front door.
5.3.3 Remove the metallic plug of control wires from its socket.
5.3.4 Unlock the break by shifting a pin on the right side adjacent to plug.
5.3.5 Draw out the breaker trolley with the help of special key provided.
5.4 For drawing in the breaker
5.4.1 Push the breaker trolley inside as you have taken out.5.4.2 Lock the pin, which was used to unlock it.
5.4.3 Put the metallic plug of control wires into its socket.
5.4.4 Close the door of the breaker panel.
5.4.5 Breaker is ready to be put on.
Related: SOP for Operation and Maintenance of Low Tension (L.T.) Panels
6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
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